Monster Statt-01


20 Combinator 2 Patches

12 Mimic Patches

24 Wav Files

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Distorted, analogue and mean.

The Monster Statt-01 is a combinator 2 ReFill that gives you gritty hardware sampler patches with synth style flexibility. Utilise 2 LFO’s to control the filter and sweeper and a built in simplified arpeggiator to maximise modulation.

Created and inspired by the Moog Werkstatt-01 analogue synthesiser, processed with a range of hardware effects including an EHX Nano Big Muff Pi, Digitech Studio Quad V2 and Line 6 Filter Pro.

This ReFill is a website exclusive free gift to thank everyone for checking out products.

Reason+ or Reason 12 required.

All sounds in the demo are included in this ReFill except the drum loops which are available in GHS01.

Ethereal Console